Thursday, November 29, 2012

The 1st Entry

Well hello there readers!! Welcome to my new blog and "sounding board". I am a 28 year old mother of 2 kids under 2, a poet, a business minded opportunity seeker and somewhat of a conspiracy theorists. I am sort of known in my circles for being strong minded, opinionated, honest, open and blunt. I am not, nor have I ever been scared to speak my mind and speak my truth!!

So I decided to setup this blog as a way to share with you my feelings, honest opinions and stories of what I experience in my life. My topics will widely vary and will include: family, business, finance, education, tv show/movie/book/music reviews and suggestions, conspiracy theories, reports and facts, trade show and demonstration event reviews, self-employment, motherhood, relationships, poetry and much more!! The topics I will write about are essentially endless. Its all about whatever moves me and whatever I may feel needs to be expressed at the moment and time I am compelled to write.

So I look forward to bringing you my truth because it will always be 'The Real Story" and I look forward to you sticking around as one of my readers!! I can only hope you come to value and appreciate what I have to say and that it is somehow of use to you in one way or another!!

- Jessica P.

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