Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Videos I'm Using to Help Lose Baby Weight

Have you had a baby recently?.. Want to know how to target the new "problem areas" you've gained from the pregnancy?.. Well I did and these are some videos I found to be helpful. I am extremely determined to lose my baby weight and get my sexy back!! I just have to stick with and gain a passion or a urge to workout. Right now, im not a big exercise person.. And even when I plan on working out.. it usually does not happen. BUT, I vow to stick with it this time and these are videos I plan to use to take me there..

Al-tho dont get me wrong.. I dont plan on getting skinny.. I still want thick legs and big butt.. I just want a nice, tight, small stomach to go with it. This is also why these videos are mainly ab workouts. Maybe I will take a pic of me now and then take a new picture every 2 weeks for 3 months and see what my results are..

Shoot.. Maybe I can come up with my own "thick girl" workout plan and get rich off of it down the line???
Hmmm.. Losing weight to get my sexy back and building my own workout brand to market afterwards at the same time.. Sounds like a win/win to me!!

Lets do this!!

I will post any new videos or workout information relevant to this workout "challenge" i'm giving myself as I come across them in new/separate posts. I assume this will be an ongoing journey and I look forward to it.

How to Lose After-Pregnancy Weight Fast Using Home Exercises -- powered by ehow

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